Payout Currency & Region Support

Below are the details of our system capabilities. Depending on the type of implementation, there may be additional capabilities or even restrictions. Please check with your client engagement team for further guidance.


Please refer to the Google Sheet for the most up-to-date data.

Receiving countryCurrency codesPayment channelTurnaround timeCut-off timeTransaction limits
Any non-sanctioned countries not considered high-riskAUD,CAD,CNH ,EUR,GBP,HKD ,JPY,SGD,CHF ,NZD,USDSWIFTT+0 to T+39.00
(GMT+8) - all except CNH
16.30 (GMT+8) all currencies
1 - 1bn
Europe SEPA region**EURSEPAT+0 to T+115.50 (GMT+1)>1
AustraliaAUDBpayT+0 to T+111.00 (GMT+11)1 - 100m
AustraliaAUDFPS (Payto)5 minutes24*71 - 100m
BulgariaEURSEPAT+0 to T+115.50 (GMT+1)>1
CanadaCADACHT+0 to T+214.00
1 to 100m
DenmarkEURSEPAT+0 to T+115.50 (GMT+1)>1
DenmarkDKKACHT+1 to T+316.30 (GMT+8)>1
Hong KongAUDRTGST+0 to T+123.59 (GMT+8)1 AUD - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongCNHFPS5 minutes24*71 CNH - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongEURRTGS/ ERTGST+0 to T+217.30 (GMT+8)1 EUR - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongGBPRTGST+0 to T+123.59 (GMT+8)1 GBP - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongHKDFPS5 minutes24*71 - 1bn
Hong KongHKDRTGST+0 toT+116.00 (GMT+8)1 - 1bn
Hong KongJPYRTGST+0 to T+123.59 (GMT+8)100 JPY - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongNZDRTGST+0 to T+123.59 (GMT+8)1 NZD - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongSGDRTGST+0 to T+123.59 (GMT+8)1 SGD - 1bn HKD equiv
Hong KongUSDRTGST+0 to T+116.00 (GMT+8)1 USD - 1bn HKD equiv
IndiaINRFPS (IMPS)15 mins24*710 - 500k
IndiaINRACH (NEFT)T+0 to T+312.00 (GMT+5.5)10 - 500m
IndonesiaIDRRPS/ SKNT+1 to T+312.00 (GMT+7)10k - 1bn
IndonesiaIDRRTGST+0 to T+113.00 (GMT+7)100m - 50bn
IndonesiaIDRFPST+024*71 - 1bn
IndonesiaIDRdomestic witeT+000.00 (GMT+7)50k - 50bn
JapanJPYRTGS (Zengin)T+0 to T+111.00 (GMT+9)100 - 1m
MalaysiaMYRInterbank GiroT+0 to T+114.00 (GMT+8)1 - 1m
MexicoMXNACHT+1 to T+316.30 (GMT+8)>1
New ZealandNZDACHT+2 to T+316.30 (GMT+8)>1
PhilippinesPHPInstapayT+0 to T+111.00 (GMT+8)50 - 20m
PhilippinesPHPPesonet5 minutes24*750 - 50k
SingaporeSGDRTGST+2 to T+316.30 (GMT+8)1 - 100m
SingaporeSGDGIROT+0 to T+317.00 (GMT+8)1 - 1m
SingaporeSGDPaynow5 minutes24*71 - 200k
South AfricaZARACHT+2 to T+316.30 (GMT+8)>1
South KoreaKRWRTGST+0 to T+116.00 (GMT+8)10k - 1bn
ThailandTHBRTGST+0 to T+115.00 (GMT+7)1 - 100m
UAEAEDRTGST+0 to T+112.30 (GMT+4)
Banking days Sun to Thurs
1 - 100m
UAEAEDBKT5 minutes24*71 - 100m
United KingdomGBPFPS5 minutes24*71 - 250k
United KingdomGBPBACST+1 to T+316:30
(GMT + 8)
United StatesUSDroy
VietnamVNDNAPAS5 minutes24*710k - 500m

*Listed are our standard SWIFT currencies; please contact us if other currencies are required.

**There are 36 countries in the Single Euro Payments Area: 27 EU member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden) + Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, the UK, and the Vatican City.