Business Formation Documents
Sole Proprietorships
- Business License
- Trade Name Registration
- DBA ("Doing Business As") Filing
- General Partnerships (GP)
- Partnership Agreement
- Business License: listing all partners
- Trade Name Registration (DBA): listing all partners
- Limited Partnerships (LP)
- Certificate or Registration of Limited Partnership: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body to officially form the LP
- Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)
- Certificate or Registration of Limited Liability Partnership: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body to register the LLP
- Articles of Incorporation: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body
- Certificate of Incorporation: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body
Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
- Articles of Organization: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body
- Certificate of Incorporation: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body
Nonprofit Organizations
- Articles of Incorporation: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body
- Certificate of Incorporation: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body
- In Addition Application for Tax-Exempt Status: Form 1023 or 1023-EZ filed with the IRS to obtain 501(c)(3) status or similar tax-exempt recognition
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
- Legal Entity Formation: if the DAO formed a legal entity (e.g., LLC) with the secretary of state or similar government body
- Other DOA Formation Documents:
- White Paper
- Membership or Token Agreement
- Governance Framework
- Trust Deed (or Trust Agreement): establishing the trust and outlining the roles of the trustors, trustees, beneficiaries, and terms of the trust
- Certificate of Trust (or Abstract of Trust): proving the existence of the trust and the trustee's authority
- Notarized Trustee’s Affidavit: confirming the identity and authority of the trust parties
- Articles of Incorporation: filed with the secretary of state or similar government body, establishing the cooperative listing its members
- Bylaws: confirming the creation of the cooperative and specifying the cooperative’s governance and operational rules
- Membership Agreement: outlining the terms of membership, rights, and responsibilities of cooperative members
Updated 1 day ago