Export Category Codes

01Safety equipment and gear
02Packaging, printing and consumables
03Adult products
04Pet supplies
05Kitchen and bathroom supplies
06Lighting devices
07Electrical products and spare parts
09Mineral products
11Forest products
12Fashion jewellery and accessories
13Construction materials
15Home furnishings
16Industrial materials, lab and scientific equipment
17Toys, sports, and hobby items
18Stationery and office supplies
19Apparel, shoes, handbags and accessories
20Medical devices and equipment
21Data servers, technical hardware and equipment
22Mobile phones, computers and computer accessories
23Electronic components, modules and accessories
25Auto parts, motorcycles and parts, other transport machinery and parts
26Food, beverage, condiments and groceries
27Beauty, cosmetics and personal care
28Gifts and crafts
29Metal and metallurgy-related products
30Household appliances and accessories
31Machinery and accessories
32Consumer electronics and accessories
33Daily necessities, garden tools and hardware tools
34Chemical products
35Home textiles
36Plastic and rubber products
37Hazardous chemicals (related to precursor chemicals)
38Logistics services
39Software services
40Advertising services