
1. Transaction Creation Phase

  • CREATED: The transaction request has been successfully created.
  • NOT_INITIATED: The transaction was not submitted due to a validation error.

2. Quote and Funding Phase

  • OPEN_QUOTE: A quote has been generated and is awaiting user acceptance.
  • QUOTE_FAILED: The transaction failed or expired before the quote was accepted.
  • AWAITING_FUNDS: Waiting for funds to be sent to the provided deposit instruction.

3. Fiat Processing Phase

  • FIAT_INITIATED: The fiat transaction process has started.
  • FIAT_PENDING: The fiat transaction is in progress and awaiting processing.
  • FIAT_PROCESSED: The fiat transaction has been successfully processed.
  • FIAT_FAILED: The fiat transaction failed due to an error.
  • FIAT_RETURNED: The fiat funds were returned after a failed transaction.

4. Crypto Processing Phase

  • CRYPTO_INITIATED: The crypto transaction process has started.
  • CRYPTO_PENDING: The crypto transaction is in progress and awaiting on-chain confirmation.
  • CRYPTO_FAILED: The crypto transaction failed due to an error.
  • COMPLETED: The transaction has been successfully confirmed on-chain.

Flow Chart