High Risk Jurisdiction List for USD_EURO rails
- Prohibited: HIFI will not facilitate services for these jurisdictions, except for extraordinary situations.
- Controlled: HIFI will not facilitate services for these jurisdictions in the present, but we have a path to acceptance.
- Restricted: HIFI will facilitate services for these jurisdictions with additional monitoring and controls (eg. sofEuQuestionnaire).
Risk Tier # | Risk Tier | Country | Modified ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 |
1 | Prohibited | Cuba | CUB |
1 | Prohibited | Iran, Islamic Republic of | IRN |
1 | Prohibited | Myanmar | MMR |
1 | Prohibited | North Korea | PRK |
1 | Prohibited | Syria | SYR |
2 | Controlled | Afghanistan | AFG |
2 | Controlled | Albania | ALB |
2 | Controlled | Algeria | DZA |
2 | Controlled | Bangladesh | BGD |
2 | Controlled | Belarus | BLR |
2 | Controlled | Central African Republic | CAF |
2 | Controlled | China | CHN |
2 | Controlled | Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD |
2 | Controlled | Eritrea | ERI |
2 | Controlled | Ethiopia | ETH |
2 | Controlled | Gaza Strip | PSE |
2 | Controlled | Iraq | IRQ |
2 | Controlled | Kenya | KEN |
2 | Controlled | Kosovo | XKX |
2 | Controlled | Lebanon | LBN |
2 | Controlled | Libya | LBY |
2 | Controlled | Mali | MLI |
2 | Controlled | Morocco | MAR |
2 | Controlled | Nepal | NPL |
2 | Controlled | Nicaragua | NIC |
2 | Controlled | Niger | NER |
2 | Controlled | North Macedonia | MKD |
2 | Controlled | Pakistan | PAK |
2 | Controlled | Qatar | QAT |
2 | Controlled | Russian Federation | RUS |
2 | Controlled | Slovenia | SVN |
2 | Controlled | Somalia | SOM |
2 | Controlled | South Sudan | SSD |
2 | Controlled | Sudan | SDN |
2 | Controlled | Ukraine | UKR |
2 | Controlled | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | VEN |
2 | Controlled | West Bank (Palestinian Territory, Occupied) | PSE |
2 | Controlled | Yemen | YEM |
2 | Controlled | Zimbabwe | ZWE |
3 | Restricted | Barbados | BRB |
3 | Restricted | Bhutan | BTN |
3 | Restricted | Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH |
3 | Restricted | Botswana | BWA |
3 | Restricted | Burkina Faso | BFA |
3 | Restricted | Burundi | BDI |
3 | Restricted | Cambodia | KHM |
3 | Restricted | Cameroon | CMR |
3 | Restricted | Ecuador | ECU |
3 | Restricted | Gambia | GMB |
3 | Restricted | Grenada | GRD |
3 | Restricted | Guinea | GIN |
3 | Restricted | Guinea-Bissau | GNB |
3 | Restricted | Haiti | HTI |
3 | Restricted | Jamaica | JAM |
3 | Restricted | Jordan | JOR |
3 | Restricted | Liberia | LBR |
3 | Restricted | Madagascar | MDG |
3 | Restricted | Mozambique | MOZ |
3 | Restricted | Nigeria | NGA |
3 | Restricted | Senegal | SEN |
3 | Restricted | Seychelles | SYC |
3 | Restricted | Solomon Islands | SLB |
3 | Restricted | South Africa | ZAF |
3 | Restricted | Suriname | SUR |
3 | Restricted | Tanzania | TZA |
3 | Restricted | Togo | TGO |
3 | Restricted | Tonga | TON |
3 | Restricted | Trinidad And Tobago | TTO |
3 | Restricted | Turkey | TUR |
3 | Restricted | Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA |
3 | Restricted | Uganda | UGA |
3 | Restricted | Vanuatu | VUT |
3 | Restricted | Viet Nam | VNM |
3 | Restricted | Western Sahara | ESH |
Updated 16 days ago