Receive user KYC/KYB status update

The KYC/KYB status of the user is critical for accessing various services associated with the user object. Typically, you should expect to receive updates when the user's status transitions from PENDING to ACTIVE or from PENDING to INACTIVE.

NOTE: euOfframp status update will not be sent by this time

Event Type

  • USER
    • STATUS

Event Action



In Sandbox, we simulate the KYC update process and send out a user KYC approved webhook messages.

Example webhook event

The data object can be expected to have the same structure as the get user endpoint

  "eventId": "89c88a4e-803d-4eed-94aa-a66bd9441ebc",
  "eventType": "USER.STATUS",
  "eventAction": "UPDATE",
  "timestamp": "2024-06-29T20:03:58.735033+00:00",
  "data": {
    "user": {
      "id": "c67980b8-81c7-4d9a-a399-69a6e4aba828"
    "ramps": {
      "usdAch": {
        "onRamp": {
          "status": "ACTIVE",
          "achPull": {
            "actionNeeded": {
              "actions": [],
              "fieldsToResubmit": []
            "achPullStatus": "ACTIVE"
          "message": "",
          "actionNeeded": {
            "actions": [],
            "fieldsToResubmit": []
        "offRamp": {
          "status": "ACTIVE",
          "actionNeeded": {
            "actions": [],
            "fieldsToResubmit": []
      "euroSepa": {
        "onRamp": {
          "status": "INACTIVE",
          "message": "SEPA onRamp will be available in near future",
          "actionNeeded": {
            "actions": [],
            "fieldsToResubmit": []
        "offRamp": {
          "status": "INACTIVE",
          "message": "",
          "actionNeeded": {
            "actions": [
            "fieldsToResubmit": [
    "wallet": {
      "actionNeeded": {
        "actions": [],
        "fieldsToResubmit": []
      "walletStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "walletAddress": {
        "POLYGON_MAINNET": {
          "address": "0xC537be24906297a8EbFFc82B350724992B095f3A"
          "address": "0xC537be24906297a8EbFFc82B350724992B095f3A"
          "address": "0xC537be24906297a8EbFFc82B350724992B095f3A"
      "walletMessage": ""
    "user_kyc": {
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "actionNeeded": {
        "actions": [],
        "fieldsToResubmit": []